The W Denis Group is a completely independent insurance broker and can approach any insurance or reinsurance company.

We benefit from direct lines of communication with senior head office personnel at the majority of the world’s largest insurers, including syndicates of Lloyd’s of London.
As a professional insurance broker our relationship is to look after the requirements of our client. We represent our client to get the best out of the insurance market. This journey begins with getting to know our client’s business, identifying the risks and how these matters are managed. We are experts at asking for the right information so that we can effectively communicate your needs to suitable insurers.
When selecting an insurer or reinsurer we consider the following:
- Their financial standing.
- Their service and administration standards.
- The breadth and quality of the cover available from them.
- Their attitude with regard to payment of claims.
- Their flexibility with regard to programme design.
- Their competitiveness.

Wholesale Broking Services
On a selective basis, W Denis London works on behalf of a number of non-UK based brokers, to provide specialist wholesale insurance solutions to brokers in foreign countries which need to access the London Market, Lloyd’s of London or Lloyd’s Brussels.

For one-off enquiries we will usually apply a minimum premium, but for flows of similar business we would consider establishing a Binding Authority where much lower minimum premiums can be set per policy (see here for Binding Authority information).

Specialist contact

Specialist contact
Mark Dutton
Executive Director / Group Head of Broking & Business Development
T. +44 07831 366469
Arrange a call back